Doc Society - Editorial Consultant / Assessor across multiple funds (2021 - 2024)

Reader across BFI Features Fund, Made of Truth, Democracy Fund and Climate Fund.

Doc Society, a non-profit founded in 2005 to enable independent documentary globally, thrives on being a supportive friend to filmmakers. We believe that documentaries enrich lives; so oftena flashlight in the dark, they can expand the way we think of the world around us and our ways of seeing. We have always operated outside of institutions in order to protect that position. Independence is foundational. As a cultural force that also has commercial value, independent documentary matters and deserves distinct funding and editorial independence in order to flourish. When Doc Society sought to become the BFI’s documentary partner in 2017, applying for National Lottery ‘good cause’ funding, we centred this independence-first approach. We were also motivated by our commitment to a broad church of documentary storytellers, and our wish to continue to help them to locate the resources and partners to make their best work and deliver them to audiences who need to see them most. Alongside this, three guiding pillars informed our approach:

  • Creative ambition
  • Arrow-right Local diversity
  • Arrow-right Radical collaboration

Inspired by the field, upon becoming the BFI’s delegate partner, we worked hard to optimise the full potential of the funding available for the BFI Doc Society Fund. Made of Truth quickly became a space where emerging talent and storytellers working on documentary shorts converge to expand the form. This commitment to creative development brought new and exciting partnerships into the documentary field. The Features Fund prioritises creative vision, collaboration, growth in form and is a space for independent first time feature and more established directors and storytellers. Films supported by the Fund solidified creative partnerships that have enabled them to be shown at global festivals and reach theatrical, broadcast and community audiences.

Across the film slate, film teams have been awarded numerous times, recognised for their creative vision and unique approaches to storytelling.

The growth in profile across the Fund has also energised the documentary field and we are proud that principles of non-extractivism are embedded in all of the work that we have been able to support. Underpinning our core film funding activity, our Support Programme grew beyond expectation, becoming an invaluable set of initiatives for documentary creatives throughout the U.K. The programme brought together storytellers, mentors and field builders, distributors and commissioners to reimagine how we can share the tools of creative practice via inspiring national workshops and events. Our transformative annual Creative Lab, which was a cornerstone of our ambition in 2017, centres creative practice. In the last four and a half years, where we have been able to support 61 features and 50 shorts, innovation has been central to our commitment to getting support to where it is needed most. We heard the SOS signalled by producers nationally during the pandemic, and were able to support productions at crisis point. Ripple Effect was born out of a wish to support documentary film champions creating networks and supportive infrastructure to those working tirelessly to bring documentaries to underserved audiences throughout the country. Importantly, it also afforded a space for us to redistribute power, move together on principles of trust and local expertise and innovate funding models that could also serve to build sustainable futures for documentaries throughout the U.K. Our BFI colleagues walked with us as we worked to make all of this a reality and we are grateful to them for their support and collaboration as we pushed the boundaries. This Fund Review presents a survey of all that we have been able to achieve in collaboration with the countless directors, producers and field builders we have had the incredible opportunity to partner with. Together we have built a framework from which the sector can continue to grow. We have shifted the field and created a space for truly independent documentary filmmaking. As we look toward the future, being bold is our starting position.

Representation matters, who is making our documentaries and sustainable careers for all of our storytellers matters, and making our funding models work for an inclusive documentary field matters and not least, a healthy distribution landscape able to help independent documentary films to reach audiences matters. True freedom of creative expression liberates all of us who encounter a form that is always pushing at boundaries. Challenging all our ways of seeing continues to be what the world needs. It is in this space that dedicated funding for independent documentaries continues to be vital. We invite you to reflect together with us on the Fund because as an organisation here to support independent UK documentarians, we have a future to create together. Meeting the challenge together is what we do best.

Shanida Scotland

Director and Head of Film, Doc Society March 2023


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