Berlinale EFM Inclusion Pathways Seminar - Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator (2024)

Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar
Moderators: Yolanda Rother + Nadia Denton + Sailesh Naidu

SEGs – EIPS – EFM 2024



The Future: An Inclusive & Equitable European Film Industry

A future of a self-confident European film and media industry that has overcome its structural discriminatory and exclusionary mechanisms, and which recognises the presence of its sociocultural ethnic diversity in every respect as a matter of course and cultural enrichment.

It’s Now Or Never: The Time Has Come – Post-2020

«Rien n’est plus fort qu’une idée dont le temps est venu.»

Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come – Victor Hugo


Funded by Creative Europe Media and taking place yearly at the EFM 2023, 2024 and 2025, the Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar is an industry-wide consultation forum that brings together European decision-makers, advocacy groups, stakeholders and change-makers with the aim of shifting the needle regarding equity, inclusion and accessibility in terms of policymaking, strategy, measures and actions. The change and advances that this Seminar aims to bring about for the European film industry are resolutely structural, and involves not only integrating marginalized groups into a European film sector that is free of biases, barriers and exclusions but also valuing the hitherto unrealised potential of the contributions of marginalised film professionals to the industry as well as redistributing resources and decision-making power more equitably.


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