ICA Season - Crossings: Black Girl + Intro w/ Nadia Denton (2017)

Crossings: Black Girl + Intro, dir. Ousmane Sembène, 1966

This screening will be introduced by writer and film programmer Nadia Denton.

Ousmane Sembène’s feature debut transforms a simple plot about a young Senegalese woman who moves to France to work for a wealthy white family into a complexly layered critique of the lingering colonialist mind-set in a supposedly postcolonial world. Featuring a moving central performance by M’Bissine Thérèse Diop, who finds that life in the small apartment becomes a prison, BLACK GIRL is a harrowing human drama as well as a radical political statement.

Crossings: Stories of Migration is an ICA-led UK-wide film and events programme supported by the BFI using National Lottery funding and in partnership with the Goethe-Institut and the School of Film & Television, Falmouth University.


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